Would you like to possibly Save your tyre and some money by knowing what to do if your tyre goes flat or you notice its flat !
Have you ever been driving a vehicle , and of a sudden you feel that slight pull to one side or you hear that dreaded sound of a flat tyre ?
If this is you then the first thing you need to do is stop immediatley (aslong if it is safe to do so of course) By doing this you may have just saved your tyre and kept some money in your pocket because your tyre may actually be repairable which is the difference between what myself https://www.brads-mobile-tyres.co.uk/ would charge for a mobile puncture repair of £80-100 depending on location, and the cost of a emergency replacement tyre being anywhere from £150 - £600 possibly more depending in size and brand of tyre .
Where as if you have realised the tyre was flat , felt the pulling or heard the noise, and just thought ill make to the tyre shop or ill just drive it back home ! Then what you havent realised is that continuing for as little as 30 seconds with a completley flat tyre will then make that tyre unrepairable. It will cause the sidewall to disentigrate unknowingly as it will, 9 out of 10 times, only be noticeable if the tyre is taken off and inspected. It will also scorch and burn the inside of the tyres sidewall comprimising the strength of the tyre and therefore putting you at increased risk of a blowout (which is quite serious and can even be life threatening depending on speeds and environment) if the tyre is repaired and not replaced !
Of course please just bare in mind tyres are only repairable if the damage to the tyre .i.e nails or screws is not on or near the tyres side wall. Some tyre fitters may try plugging your tyre from the outside but this is not adviseable and correct unless they first take the tyre off and inspect for scorching and loss of side material inside the tyre sidewall.
And if you step outside one morning and your tyre is completley flat then same rules apply either please if you know what your doing remove tyre and take to your local tyre shop, or contact a local mobile tyre fitting service.
So please take all this into account if you ever find yourself in this position. You may think "i will be okay driving to the local tyre shop 5 minutes away but it only take 30 seconds to destroy a tyre " your local tyre shop may charge anything from £20-40 for puncture repair, and again you may think ill be ok just to keep driving for another 3 minutes to the shop just to get your puncture repaired trying to save money instead of stopping (if safe to do so) and ringing a mobile tyre fitter because there expensive (£80-100 i charge for mobile tyre puncture repair) then that 2 week old premium tyre ur trying to save will be useless and you will not be saving money at all you will be paying out even more for a new tyre and possibly damaging an alloy wheel in the process.
Thanks from myself brads mobile tyres for reading i hope this information can help.

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